July 22, 2016Project Specification
Client: Land Registry
Project: 2002 Land Act
The Land Registry records all registered land in England and Wales. Following our first class, in-depth presentation, we were excited to be selected to design and rollout their new Brand and Regulations for the launch of the 2002 Land Act – the largest single communication project ever undertaken in the Land Registry’s history.
WordLink’s undertaking was to effectively communicate change to business, professional and academic organisations – all with an interest in land matters – over 19 sectors, as well as internal communications for HQ and the 26 local offices.
In addition, we prepared all communications for the Welsh and inclusive audiences, encompassing translation, audio, Braille, large print, online communications, web and more.
With an audience of over 77,500 interested parties:
- The launch of the new corporate brand, as well as the rollout and testing of the new brand guidelines.
- Creating a wide range of targeted and cohesive marketing collateral; direct marketing, promotional items, desk aids, information packs, presentation folders, seminar packs and presenters, exhibition graphics, interactive and auto complete DVD and web ready forms, website design, market research, copywriting, online communications and web response forms.
- Formats included Welsh and bilingual formats, Braille, large print plus an inclusive DVD.